Springbank School kids go snorkelling

{jacomment off}We received a great parcel from teacher Lynne Alexander and her year six kids at Springbank School in Kerikeri. They'd had two snorkel days with the Experiencing Marine Reserves team, one at Matauri Bay and the other at the Poor Knights marine reserve. Here's some of the kids letters to Samara of EMR. They're pretty keen on getting a marine reserves in the Bay!

Fish Forever fully supports the rahui rollover

{jacomment off}crayfish-88Today, Tuesday 13 May, sees the final opportunity to put forward submissions in support of the continuation of the temporary rāhui at Maunganui Bay, Eastern Bay of Islands.

Fish Forever has strongly advocated for the rāhui since it was gazetted in 2010 and is proud to add its voice to the many that recognise the benefits this temporary closure has brought to the marine life in Maunganui Bay.


Blue-maomao-89Download the proposal here
Download the submission report here

Bay of Islands community group Fish Forever has published a community consultation document that proposes the protection of 10% of the enclosed waters of the Bay of Islands with no-take marine reserves.

Two potential marine reserve sites are put forward and Fish Forever intends to generate constructive public discussion around these sites. An online submission form is available to assist this process and the public is urged to participate by visiting www.fishforever.org.nz.

A flying visit to whale rider country

thumbNgati Konohi from Whangara, Gisborne are the first hapu in the country to establish a marine reserve. Their reserve has been running for 10 years and now feeds an adjoining mataitai area out in front of their marae. It's made a huge difference to fish and crayfish stocks.

A group from Ngati Kuta, Patukeha and Fish Forever visited Ngati Konohi at their marae at Whangara, Gisborne in September to learn first hand about their experience.

A huge thank you to Hone, the people of Ngati Konohi and Jamie Quirk from Doc for hosting us and giving us such an inspiring day.

Marine Reserve Education Resource

marine-educationJust posted to the FF site - Ria Bright and her team have produced an amazing marine reserve education resource for year 7-9 students.

Specifically targeted as a relief teachers resource, it's available as a free download here:  http://fishforever.org.nz/education-resource.html

Thanks Ria and all the folk who contributed to getting this together!

Anyone got a copy of the Spot-X book?

The latest Spot-X book incorrectly confirms the taking of fish from Maunganui Bay is OK - it's not!

Northland Dive recently approached four boats fishing within the area that had the book onboard.

Maunganui Bay is protected by a Rahui until 30th November 2014. No-take except for Kina.

If you suspect fishing in Maunganui Bay, call 0800 4 POACHER (0800 476 224) See the image below for boundaries.

Join the watch: The Last Ocean

LastOcean Weller thumbThe Fish Forever screening of the New Zealand documentary The Last Ocean was a great success. Over 200 people attended the event, held on Thursday 31st January downstairs at the Turner Centre in Kerikeri. Read on to find out how you can support both local and global marine protection initiatives.

Fish Forever screens The Last Ocean

In the July this year there will be a final attempt to bring together 25 countries to agree a huge marine protection area for the Ross Sea. Next week, Fish Forever will host a screening of The Last Ocean, an award-winning documentary that portrays the beauty and special ecological value of this region. Fish Forever’s purpose is to promote awareness about a similar cause closer to home: protection of our own resources and the biodiversity within the Bay of Islands.

Deepwater Cove rahui rolls over

amongst-itFish Forever is delighted that the Rahui in Maunganui Bay (Deepwater Cove) is to continue for at least another two years. Hapu Ngati Kuta and Patukeha of the eastern Bay of Islands have successfully petitioned the government for an extension to the Rahui. Roll-over of the Rahui at Maunganui Bay was recently announced by the Ministry of Primary Industries. It will be illegal to harvest any seafood, apart from kina, until 1 December 2014.

AGM 2012

Debs-Catherine-on-water-120Two weeks ago, on a Friday evening, we took over Treaty Room 1 at the Copthorne Hotel Bay of Islands for the Bay of Island Maritime Park AGM. Thank you all those who attended, who renewed their memberships, who shared kai with us and who were lucky enough to hear Dr Jeremy Gibbs inspiring present on the Geology and Physical Oceanography around Okahu, Waewaetorea and Urapukapuka Islands. You can read an excellent report on his presentation here, as published in the Bay Chronicle last week.

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